Integral part of nuclear facility supervision as well as handling radioactive substances

Protecting people and the environment against the harmful effects of radiation requires the implementation of suitable and effective measures in construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities and in the handling of radioactive substances. The related measures equally affect the population as well as the staff at the nuclear facilities that emit radiation and the patients of nuclear medical applications.
TÜV NORD Nuclear offers comprehensive and independent support in the assessment and inspection of such measures. Its experience in a wide range of applications ensures optimum solutions to keep the radiation exposure of patients, personnel and the population as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA principle).
- Workplace radiation protection
- Release of materials in accordance with legal requirements
- Radiation protection instructions
- Radiation and activity monitoring
- Activity flow and radioecology
- Shielding design
- Transport and handling
- Environmental radioactivity
- Radiation protection measurements and nuclide analyses in accredited TÜV NORD Nuclear laboratory
- Inspections of X-ray Systems
- Inspections of sealed radiation sources
- Radiation protection in nuclear medicine and radio-nuclide laboratories